30 Mei 2012


Adjective clause merupakan dependent clause (clause yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri) yang berfungsi sebagai adjective; adjective clause memodifikasi sebuah noun atau pronoun. Clauses ini ditandai dengan dua jenis kata yang berbeda yang selalu terjadi segera setelah noun memodifikasi clause tersebut.

Adjective clause biasanya ditandai dengan relative pronoun who, whose, which, and that. Pronoun ini berfungsi dalam noun position (posisi kata benda) dalam clause tersebut. 

Examples :
·         People who lived 3.5200 kilometers away heard the noise
·         The thousands whom the tidal wave killed people lived on the island Java.
Adjective clause juga dapat ditandai dengan subordinate conjunctions seperti: when, where, dan why.

Examples :
·         People still speak of the day when the explosion occurred
·         The ocean covered the place where the volcano had been
·         Only scientist can explain the reason why this disaster happened

Ø  Pemberian Tanda Baca pada Adjective Clause
Jika pemberian tanda baca koma di perlukan demi arti kalimat tersebut, maka sifatnya restrictive (essential) dan tidak memerlukan tanda baca bila tidak penting bagi arti kalimat tersebut.

Example :
·         The man who wrote about the explosion was an eyewitness.
Clause di atas (di tulis dengan garis miring) diperlukan guna mengidentifikasi the man, (subyek kalimat). Oleh karena itu, sifatnya restrictive dan tidak memutuhkan koma.
Pada contoh berikut, di sisi lain, clause tersebut tidak terlalu penting bagi arti/makna kalimat.

·         Adelina , who was an eyewitness, wrote about the explosion.

Pada kalimat tersebut, identitas subyek kalimat sudah diketahui, karena namanya disebutkan. Adjective clause adjective clause disini hanya berfungsi sebagai informasi tambahan dan fungsinya tidak penting bagi arti kalimat. Karena itu, sifatnya not restrictive (nonessential) dan harus diambahi koma.

Examples of Adjective Clause:
1.      The movie is scheduled for night
The movie that was advertised is scheduled for tonight
2.      I returned the record. I bought it yesterday
I returned the record that I bought yesterday
3.      I have a friend. He can help you
I have a friend who can help you
4.      The house is comfortable. I live there
The house where I live is comfortable
5.      Those oranges were sour. We bought them
Those oranges which we bought were sour
6.      Have you seen a club? There is a good swimming pool
Have you seen a club where is a good swimming pool?
7.      I know a man. She lives on a boat
I know a man who lives on a boat
8.      Do you recognize the man? You met at the party
Do you recognize the man whom you met at the party?
9.      My friend is lawyer. She lives on Jakarta
My friend who lives on Jakarta is lawyer
10.  That dog is friendly. He barked as we walked past
That dog which barked as we walked past is friendly.

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30 Mei 2012


Adjective clause merupakan dependent clause (clause yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri) yang berfungsi sebagai adjective; adjective clause memodifikasi sebuah noun atau pronoun. Clauses ini ditandai dengan dua jenis kata yang berbeda yang selalu terjadi segera setelah noun memodifikasi clause tersebut.

Adjective clause biasanya ditandai dengan relative pronoun who, whose, which, and that. Pronoun ini berfungsi dalam noun position (posisi kata benda) dalam clause tersebut. 

Examples :
·         People who lived 3.5200 kilometers away heard the noise
·         The thousands whom the tidal wave killed people lived on the island Java.
Adjective clause juga dapat ditandai dengan subordinate conjunctions seperti: when, where, dan why.

Examples :
·         People still speak of the day when the explosion occurred
·         The ocean covered the place where the volcano had been
·         Only scientist can explain the reason why this disaster happened

Ø  Pemberian Tanda Baca pada Adjective Clause
Jika pemberian tanda baca koma di perlukan demi arti kalimat tersebut, maka sifatnya restrictive (essential) dan tidak memerlukan tanda baca bila tidak penting bagi arti kalimat tersebut.

Example :
·         The man who wrote about the explosion was an eyewitness.
Clause di atas (di tulis dengan garis miring) diperlukan guna mengidentifikasi the man, (subyek kalimat). Oleh karena itu, sifatnya restrictive dan tidak memutuhkan koma.
Pada contoh berikut, di sisi lain, clause tersebut tidak terlalu penting bagi arti/makna kalimat.

·         Adelina , who was an eyewitness, wrote about the explosion.

Pada kalimat tersebut, identitas subyek kalimat sudah diketahui, karena namanya disebutkan. Adjective clause adjective clause disini hanya berfungsi sebagai informasi tambahan dan fungsinya tidak penting bagi arti kalimat. Karena itu, sifatnya not restrictive (nonessential) dan harus diambahi koma.

Examples of Adjective Clause:
1.      The movie is scheduled for night
The movie that was advertised is scheduled for tonight
2.      I returned the record. I bought it yesterday
I returned the record that I bought yesterday
3.      I have a friend. He can help you
I have a friend who can help you
4.      The house is comfortable. I live there
The house where I live is comfortable
5.      Those oranges were sour. We bought them
Those oranges which we bought were sour
6.      Have you seen a club? There is a good swimming pool
Have you seen a club where is a good swimming pool?
7.      I know a man. She lives on a boat
I know a man who lives on a boat
8.      Do you recognize the man? You met at the party
Do you recognize the man whom you met at the party?
9.      My friend is lawyer. She lives on Jakarta
My friend who lives on Jakarta is lawyer
10.  That dog is friendly. He barked as we walked past
That dog which barked as we walked past is friendly.

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