30 Mei 2012

Is School Uniform necessary?

Within a few past weeks, there was an interesting topic discussed by many students in Indonesia that is the government plans to abandon the use of school uniform. I think school uniform is a must. There are some reasons why the school uniform must be implemented at school.

Firstly, school uniform is an identity. As in the army, we can differentiate between, army, navy, air force and police squad just from the uniform that they wear. The function of school uniform is also same like that. We can identify whether she or he is a kindergarten boy, an elementary school girls, or a group of junior and senior high school from their uniform.

Secondly, school uniform gives us such a feeling of togetherness. The students who come from rich families are not too different from the students who come from the poor ones. The uniform will erase the gab between the rich and the poor. So, the learning atmosphere will not be disturbed by inferiority feeling from the have not students because they can’t wear an expensive outfit.

I think the government should cancel the plan due to the social condition of our nations which is in collapse. School uniform is still badly needed to unify the students at school.

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